Do You Have Roomates? 3 Renters Insurance Tips

Having a roommate can be a great way to save money and keep household costs to a minimum. However, making sure you have the appropriate level of renter’s insurance coverage is also important. Here are three tips to consider.

Tip #1: Make Sure You Talk to Your Agent

Talking to your agent is important when you have a roommate. This discussion should take place fairly soon after moving in together, as your policy does not automatically cover your friend’s belongings unless certain guidelines are met. Find out whether or not your renter’s insurance carrier requires you to each have your own policy or allows to add your roommate’s name to your current coverage.

Tip #2: Decide Whether or Not to Have Separate Policies

The decision to have separate policies or be on the same one together is also important. While sharing coverage does allow you to split premium costs, there are some drawbacks. If you or your roommate have a falling out or one moves away, it can be difficult if you have a sudden claim as both of your names will be on the reimbursement check. Sharing coverage also means that you are responsible for splitting the payment to replace your stuff. This can get very messy if the two of you are not on the same page, which is why many roommates just opt to have individual renter’s insurance policies.

Tip #3: Understand That Intentional Acts Aren’t Covered

Another important tip to remember regarding roommates and renter’s insurance is that intentional acts aren’t usually covered. This means that if you end up with a nightmare of a roommate who damages or steals your stuff, your policy most likely won’t pay for reimbursement.

Do you have questions regarding renter’s insurance? Please contact our team of professionals at McCormick Insurance Inc. for more information.

Don’t Let the Weather in Pembroke Pines, FL Shorten Your Vehicle’s Life Span

The summer can be rough on vehicles, especially in Pembroke Pines, FL. If you have a car and live in the area, make sure to take care of it this summer. Properly caring for a car during Florida’s hot months is easy, but it requires a little forethought about maintenance and emergencies.

Protect Your Car from the Elements

The sun, wind, and rain all pose a threat to your car, and Pembroke Pines sees plenty of each every year. Your can protect your car from the elements by:

  • using a sunshade when you park to keep your car’s interior from fading
  • painting over rust spots so that rain doesn’t cause more corrosion
  • having a safe place to park your car if a hurricane comes

These are all simple things, but they may make a big difference in your car’s life span.

Insure Your Car Before a Hurricane Hits

In addition to taking care of your car, you should also take some time to make sure it’s properly insured. Specifically, you should check whether your auto insurance policy would cover damage caused by a hurricane. Even with a safe place to park your car, no vehicle in Florida is completely free of any risk when high winds come through.

We at McCormick Insurance Inc. can help you find an auto insurance policy that properly insures you against the risk of a hurricane. We have independent insurance agents who are familiar with the risks that drivers in Pembroke Pines, FL face and understand what coverages provide the best protection against those risks. They can help you find an affordable policy that provides the protection you need by comparing auto insurance offerings from every insurer in the state. To speak with an agent, give our office a call.


Understanding What GAP Coverage Is

Many policyholders often ask about GAP coverage. They want to know what it is and why they need it. Others are even required by their auto lender to carry it, but do not understand how if affects them. Here are a few things to know about GAP insurance.

What GAP Coverage Is

Short for Guaranteed Asset Protection, this type of coverage "bridges the gap" between the value of your vehicle and how much you owe should you have a total loss claim. This means that if your car is damaged beyond repair in an accident or is stolen, your insurance policy will pay above and beyond the value of the vehicle in order to pay off your loan. Many finance companies require this type of coverage to help protect both them and you in case of an incident.

Why You Should Consider Purchasing GAP Coverage

Even if it is not required by your lender, purchasing GAP coverage is a good idea for anyone with an auto loan. Vehicles often depreciate rapidly, especially if you purchased your car brand new. Today’s auto loans are generally much higher than the value of the vehicle and failure to have GAP coverage could put you in a serious situation if you have a major claim. Many policyholders without this type of coverage have incurred serious debt after a total loss incident as they still had to make loan payments on a vehicle that was no longer driveable.

Purchasing insurance is meant to be a protective mechanism for you and your family in case of an incident. GAP coverage is simply an added safety feature to help ensure your financial well-being if you ever experience a total loss claim.

For more information about auto insurance in Florida, please contact our local agents today.

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3 Tips for Creating a Roadside Safety Kit

Being prepared is always important, especially for drivers. By keeping a few items inside your vehicle, you can rest assured that you are totally ready for any situation, Here are three tips for creating a roadside safety kit to keep in your car.

Tip #1: Include Emergency Provisions

Including emergency provisions is the first step to starting your kit. Non-perishable food, such as granola bars, and a few bottles of water are important. You will also want to add a blanket, an extra pair of socks, and a basic first aid kit to your collection.

Tip #2: Add Vehicle Related Items

Adding vehicle related items to your emergency kit is also important. Remember jumper cables, a quart of oil, deicer, an ice scraper, and additional fuses. A safety triangle and roadside flares should be included. Other special items related to your exact vehicle and its condition may also be necessary, such as brake or power steering fluid.

Tip #3: Remember Tools

While many people usually remember food and medical supplies, they often forget about keeping tools inside their emergency kits. A basic pair of work gloves, a few screwdrivers, a pair of pliers, vice grips, and a tire gauge are always a good idea. A few wrenches in various sizes can help as well.

Many companies also offer pre-packed emergency road kits to keep inside your vehicle. These often include a basic first aid kit, some road flares, and other common items. You can also use a plastic storage box or small cardboard box to keep the kit organized.

Of course, having your insurance information handy is also important. Keep the number of your local insurance agent and your policy number inside your vehicle. The claims hotline number and emergency roadside assistance numbers are also a good idea.

If you need any more tips or tricks for creating the best roadside safety kit, call our highly knowledgeable agents today!

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Pembroke Pines Auto Liability Insurance

If you’re going to operate a motor vehicle on a Florida roadway, you’re required to maintain minimum insurance coverage on your vehicle. In order to get your license plates and registration, you’re required to have $10,000 in personal injury protection coverage and another $10,000 in property damage. Although it’s perfectly legal to drive anywhere in the state with those policy limits, minimum coverage is woefully insufficient.

$10,000 of personal injury protection covers maybe an ambulance trip to the hospital, an emergency room visit and an overnight admission. If you’re liable for an accident with $40,000 in personal injury damages, you’re going to be on the hook for the excess $30,000. If you caused in excess of $10,000 in property damage, you’re responsible for that overage too. Knowing all that while driving around on minimum mandated insurance probably makes you want to boost your auto insurance coverage.

We’re independent insurance agents, and we offer you choices in increasing your insurance coverage that agents for the "big three" aren’t permitted to give you. Since we’re agents for several very reputable insurance companies, you have choices of who will insure you, the type of coverage that you want, and how much your premium payments will be. Other agents will only give you one alternative from one single insurer. That’s no choice at all.

We’re trusted providers for the community in and around Pembroke Pines and FL Zip Code 33024. It’s likely that some of your friends and neighbors already do business with us. If you’re putting a new car on the road or just want to get an independent, objective and unbiased evaluation of your coverage, give us a call. We also offer other policy endorsements you might want know about. We’ll be pleased to talk with you.

Marriage and Car Insurance: Should You Bundle Policies?

You just said “I do,” and you and your spouse have now entered the state of wedded bliss. As part of setting up house, a review of your individual car insurance policies, as well as other types of coverage, may save you a significant amount on insurance premiums. As your independent insurance agent serving the Pembroke Pines, FL area, we would enjoy the opportunity to meet with you and review your policies. In fact, by bundling car insurance for both spouses, we may be able to find you greater coverage at a better price.

Many of the major insurance underwriters price their premiums to target a specific sector of the market. For example, they will price homeowner’s insurance to attract clients who need car insurance, life insurance or other types of policies. While you may find significant savings on premiums with direct comparisons on single-line insurance policies, the large underwriters want you to carry multiple lines of insurance with them for many years to come. This allows them to keep prices competitive while giving you the assurance that you will not have to shop around every six months.

To do this, insurance companies frequently offer greater coverage and better premium prices to clients who bundle all of their insurance together rather that purchasing separate lines for just a car or house.

Give us a call today, and we will assist you with clear comparisons between multi-line policies from the top insurance companies. We offer a handy online tool for comparison shopping with real-time quotes, and we offer personalized service that helps you find the appropriate coverage for your individual needs. If you are in the 33024 zip code, we serve the Pembroke Pines, FL  and the surrounding areas. So contact us today!

Types of Auto Insurance Available in Lake Lucerne, FL

Drivers in Lake Lucerne, FL who are also smart consumers, should always try to buy the right type and right amount of auto insurance. You do not want to be under-insured, but you also do not want to be over-insured. Finding the happy medium between too little and too much insurance is the best way to get the coverage you need and not pay more than you need to pay.

In the state of Florida, you are required to carry a minimum of $10,000 in bodily injury liability (BIL) insurance and $10,000 in personal injury protection (PIP). Other types of insurance that you might want, but that are not mandatory, include comprehensive, collision, uninsured motorist, roadside service, towing, and rental car reimbursement.

While there may be a small number of instances when all you really need is the state minimum coverage, it is normally prudent to have a more robust auto policy. If you have a 1995 car worth $500 and almost no other assets, the bare minimum coverage may be all that you need. Most people have cars worth substantially more money and other assets, like a house or money in the bank, that they need to protect.

If you are financing a new car, your lender will insist that you have an auto insurance policy that includes comprehensive and collision. They probably will also want you to choose a reasonable deductible like $250 or $500. If you paid cash for your car and it is worth a substantial amount of money, buying a policy with collision and comprehensive coverage is a no-brainer.

Of course you will pay more when you buy a policy that has higher coverage limits and protects you against more risks. However, if you use an independent agent from McCormick Insurance who can get and compare quotes from a number of different insurance companies, it is quite possible to get very affordable rates on the type of car insurance you need.

Affordable Car Insurance Rates Miramar, FL

Before you get in your car and head to the beach, you better be sure that you have the right type and amount of insurance for your car. While there is less traffic in Miramar Florida, than in nearby Miami, accidents, vandalism, and car thefts still occur in this Southwest Broward County city.

Florida is a no-fault state and you are required to carry a minimum of $10,000 in property damage liability coverage and $10,000 in personal injury protection. Most people carry more than the minimum so that they will be better covered if they suffer a more extensive loss. If you get a bare-bones policy with minimum coverage, it may help pay your medical bills, but it will not pay for damage to your car.

If you want or need auto insurance that includes comprehensive and collision coverage, the cost of such a policy can be more than you want to spend. Depending upon many factors such as your age, driving record, and type of car you drive, your car insurance rates can range from less than several hundreds of dollars per year to several thousands of dollars per year.

Finding affordable car insurance rates is always a goal, but it is especially important in an economy where so many people are living paycheck-to-paycheck. Why pay more than you have to pay?

While your personal driving risk profile plays a key role in determining the rates you will have to pay, it is equally important to get quotes from a number of different insurance companies. You may get lucky and find the most affordable rates by just picking out and calling an auto insurance company that has a prominent display ad in the Yellow Pages. A more reliable way to get the most affordable rates is to visit our local independent agency, have us get quotes, and find you the lowest rates in town.